We want to be your perfect partner!


Our history

It all started around the 60s in the Cadore Valley, a small mountain area of the Veneto Region well-known for its marvelous Dolomites full of ski resorts and trekking paths but also for the centuries-old tradition of eyeglasses production.

At that time Vittorio Del Favero was a young brave artisan deciding to bet everything on its skills and talents. In 1962 he choosed to start its own eyeglasses production named Evoluzione, located in Lozzo di Cadore right in the middle of the eyeglasses district of Belluno. That area was starting to be known all over Europe for its manufacture. At the beginning it only was a small atelier situated within his household, where everyone was working tireless and passionated in order to create high quality frames and glasses.

These were the times when eyeglasses were a status symbol and customers were becoming always more demanding.

These were the years when value eyewear was an established status symbol, and customers became increasingly demanding and sought after.

Time flies and by the 80s the family-run factory has grown very fast, Vittorio’s son Mauro joins the business and plans to expand to Europe. Thanks to some friends already working as salesmen he started traveling around Germany with its small sample case. Even if he didn’ know a single word of German he soon became confident with the job and well-known around the biggest opticians, gaining important contacts and developing his father’s small business.

In 2018 Mauro’s son Stefano joins the company adding a modern concept and creating innovative and high-quality eyeglasses, always looking for new products to reach also the most demanding contemporary customers.

Refined shapes, distinguishing styles, quality eyeglasses handcrafted with love for details, the care for customers and an accurate post-sale service are now the strong points of Evoluzione, making the business growing day by day and reaching nowadays the best opticians all over Italy and Europe.

La nostra storia

Dove tutto ha inizio
Dove tutto ha inizio

La nascita delle piccole fabbriche artigianali sempre affascinante:
un paio di amici con obiettivo comune e la volontà di migliorare le proprie
condizioni. Tanto lavoro e mezzi tecnologicamente non all’avanguardia, modificati per ottenere i migliori risultati.

Produzione occhiali
Produzione occhiali

la produzione di occhiali artigianali è un’arte che richiede molta abilità e precisione, la nostra azienda produce occhiali artigianali fatti a mano.
L’intero processo di produzione, dalla sgrossatura alla burattatura, è svolto completamente da esperti artigiani che modellano e lavorano le migliori lastre di acetato, donandogli colori nitidi e brillanti.
La lavorazione degli occhiali consiste in un processo lungo e meticoloso che vede protagonisti attori diversi, che si incontrano in un luogo comune condividendo competenze differenti, affini e complementari.

Stefano e Mauro
Stefano e Mauro

Gli occhiali sono un accessorio che può esprimere la personalità e il gusto di chi li indossa, oltre a proteggere la vista e filtrare la luce, questa è la base di pensiero che ci ispira per realizzare tutte le nuove collezioni.
Ogni giorno proviamo nuove forme e abbinamenti di colori, un lavoro che ci entusiasma e ci mette a stretto contatto con i nostri clienti ottici.

Why you should choose us

2000+ satisfied customers

Customers’ satisfaction is the key of success.
That’s why our keywords are:
Excellent quality and design, efficient post-sale service,
honest price-quality ratio, good communication and wide customization.

Present in 15 Italian and 8 German regions

We are constantly looking for new partnerships so we can strengthen our position on the market and always offer the best service to our customers. Thanks to our growing sales area we are reaching even more customers so to
satisfy their needs quickly and efficiently.
Our task is to keep on investing in our sales area in order to mantain our competitiveness on the market and expanding to new collaborations both nationally and internationally.

More than 60 years of experience

Our goal is to continue to grow and improve, always offering high-quality products to our customers.
We are grateful to our employees who have contributed significantly to our success and are confident that they will continue to do so in the future.

24/7 Support

We are always available to answer your questions. We are always available if you have some questions.If you need post-sale service you can reach us either by phone under the number +39 0435 366204 or by e-mail at assistenza@e-evoluzione.com, as well as via WhatsApp under the number +39 380 492 8275.We will be glad to reply as soon as possible.

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